
Answer: It has red beak and a long tail. Its feathers are green.
Right, very good.Now, we will talk about some common birds Bangladesh. Can you name some of them?

3.     shihab is surprised to see so many tall buildings he starts counting the floors of a building the building has twenty floors he asks his uncle who live on so many floors uncle there are shops and offices and some apartments on different floors says mr hafizuddin.

Answer: Shihab is surprised to see so many tall buildings. He starts counting the floors of a building. The building has twenty floors. He asks his uncle, “Who live on so many floors, uncle?” “There are shops and offices and some apartments on different floors,” says Mr Hafizuddin.

4.     there is a university on the next three floors----thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth the sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth and twentieth are apartments many families live here

Answer: There is a university on the next three floors----thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth. The sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth are apartments. Many families live here.

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